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Project Consultancy
Industrial Plants
Quality and Management
Energy Automation
Euro A: 34.9265 TL S: 34.9894 TL
Dolar A: 32.1940 TL S: 32.2520 TL
Job Safety
  1. While Projects are designed about product and process, enviromental impacts are considered and pollution is tried to prevent in source.
  2. Precaution are taken against reducing of sources like electric, fuel oil and water consumption and every year goals are set and so developments are provided.
  3. During our works precautions are taken to reduce solid, liquid and gas waste and recycling systems are tried to implement.
  4. During our works  at the probable accident or emergency cases precautions are taken and implemented to reduce enviromental damages.
  5. We raise awareness of our staff to get success about enviroment and train them individually.
  6. 7. Thanks to corporation of national and local official institutions, other industry enterprises and suppliers environment standards are raised altogether.


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